summer wonders the best summer landscape || blue tree, abstract backgro...

summer wonders the best summer landscape ||  blue tree, abstract background, Beautiful earthy hut.

This painting is painted in full acrylic color. Here you will see a beautiful blue tree, whose numerous leaves you can be fascinated by. It is only conceivable that the tree has matched its branches. Just below it is a small cottage made of clay, to see such a beautiful environment, subscribe to my channel, like, comment and of course, tell me how the picture is.

Landscape painting, also known as landscape art, is the depiction of landscapes in art—natural scenery such as mountains, valleys, trees, rivers, and forests, especially where the main subject is a wide view—with its elements arranged into a coherent composition. In other words, landscape backgrounds for figures can still form an important part of the work. The sky is almost always included in the view, and the weather is often an element of the composition. Detailed landscapes as a distinct subject are not found in all artistic traditions and develop when there is already a sophisticated tradition of representing other subjects.

The two main traditions spring from Western painting and Chinese art, going back well over a thousand years in both cases. The recognition of a spiritual element in landscape art is present from its beginnings in East Asian art, drawing on Daoism and other philosophical traditions, but in the West only becomes explicit with Romanticism.

Landscape views in art may be entirely imaginary or copied from reality with varying degrees of accuracy. If the primary purpose of a picture is to depict an actual, specific place, especially including buildings prominently, it is called a topographical view. Such views, extremely common as prints in the West, are often seen as inferior to fine art landscapes, although the distinction is not always meaningful; similar prejudices existed in Chinese art, where literati painting usually depicted imaginary views, while professional artists painted real views.

The word "landscape" entered the modern English language as landskip (variously spelled), an anglicization of the Dutch landscape, around the start of the 17th century, purely as a term for works of art, with its first use as a word for a painting in 1598. Within a few decades, it was used to describe vistas in poetry, and eventually as a term for real views. However, the cognate term landscape or landscape for a cleared patch of land had existed in Old English, though it is not recorded from Middle English.
