Alok Ranjan Art
how to draw elephant step by step | elephant drawing step by step easy | elephant drawing for kids
What's special about elephants?
Elephants are the largest land animals on Earth, and they're one of the most unique-looking animals, too. With their characteristic long noses, or trunks; large, floppy ears; and wide, thick legs, there is no other animal with a similar physique.
What are 5 interesting facts about elephants?
9 Fascinating Facts About Elephants
1. Elephant families are led by females
2. They don't need much sleep
3. They are emotional creatures
4. Their memory is impressive
5. Elephants love a good shower
6. They are creative communicators
7. Elephants have record-long pregnancies
8. Elephants can swim
9. They can easily get sunburned
What do elephants symbolize?
Many African cultures revere the African Elephant as a symbol of strength and power. It is also praised for its size, longevity, stamina, mental faculties, cooperative spirit, and loyalty. South Africa, uses elephant tusks in their coat of arms to represent wisdom, strength, moderation and eternity.
#Elephant #step_by_step #how_to_draw
What's special about elephants?
Elephants are the largest land animals on Earth, and they're one of the most unique-looking animals, too. With their characteristic long noses, or trunks; large, floppy ears; and wide, thick legs, there is no other animal with a similar physique.
What are 5 interesting facts about elephants?
9 Fascinating Facts About Elephants
1. Elephant families are led by females
2. They don't need much sleep
3. They are emotional creatures
4. Their memory is impressive
5. Elephants love a good shower
6. They are creative communicators
7. Elephants have record-long pregnancies
8. Elephants can swim
9. They can easily get sunburned
What do elephants symbolize?
Many African cultures revere the African Elephant as a symbol of strength and power. It is also praised for its size, longevity, stamina, mental faculties, cooperative spirit, and loyalty. South Africa, uses elephant tusks in their coat of arms to represent wisdom, strength, moderation and eternity.
#Elephant #step_by_step #how_to_draw
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